Weltgrößtes Yoga Event im Central Park New York
Am 22. Juni 2010 findet in New York das weltgrößte Yoga Event statt. 10.000 Yoginis und Yogis treffen sich im Central Park um gemeinsam mit Elena Brower Yoga zu praktizieren.
Über Elena Brower & Yoga im Central Park / New York
„Elena Brower is the founder of Virayoga in Soho, NYC and has been featured in such prestigious publications as The New York Times, Yoga Journal and In Style magazine, and named one of New York City’s top yoga teachers by Fit Yoga magazine. Elena’s clients include Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts, Minnie Driver, Eva Mendes, Carla Gugino, Christy Turlington and Rebecca Romijn.
She has worked with Flavorpill and the Junior Associates of the Museum of Modern Art on the YoGA at the MoMA series, guiding hundreds through remarkable yoga experiences. Elena is a certified Anusara Yoga instructor and has been teaching for over 13 years. She is also the 2010 Global Yoga Trainer for adidas, teaching the methodology of Anusara yoga to their instructors globally. Her teaching encourages observation, connection, empowerment and healing.“
Seid Ihr zufällig in New York? Dann nichts wie hin. Hier findet Ihr weitere Infos zu diesem Yoga Event.
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